Summer heatwave

Summer heatwave in the UAE comes to an end

Astronomers have given a date for the summer heatwave wave to retreat from the United Arab Emirates. According to Ibrahim Al Jarwan, a member of the Arab Union of Astronomy and Space Sciences, the gradual cooling should begin as early as 24 August 2024.

It is on this day in the sky above Arabia will rise the star Suhail, symbolising the end of one of the hottest summers in the history of the region. It is worth recalling that this summer the UAE’s thermometer has repeatedly broken the 50ºC mark.

Suhail is the second brightest star in the sky (after Sirius), 27 million years old and 310 light years away from Earth. The yellowish-white supergiant in the constellation Sails is also called the Star of Egypt and the Wise Star.

As is known, the Arabs used the star Suheil (Alpha Kiel, better known in Europe as Canopus) for maritime navigation (as the southern polar star) and orientation in travelling in the desert. Many legends and tales are associated with it in different nations. In Arabia, its ‘season’ lasts 53 days, when the long-awaited coolness comes to the region, especially noticeable after sunset.

Meanwhile, according to the Storm Centre group, the UAE’s hottest and wettest period will last around 40 days. The most intense heat is expected from mid-July to the third week of August and will be accompanied by north-westerly winds known as Al Bawareh winds.

Meanwhile, the heat will be felt even more severely as humidity levels increase. During the heat wave, medical experts advise drinking enough fluids, wearing suitable clothing and avoiding direct sunlight. You should also use sunscreen, eat and drink foods that help keep you cool, and limit your time outdoors.

Source: Time Out Abu Dhabi