UAE skies to witness incredible meteor shower

One of the most spectacular and colourful natural phenomena will be seen in the UAE this month. The annual Geminid meteor shower will last until 24 December, with peak activity expected on 13 or 14 December.

The stream will allow to see about 120 meteors, which will sweep across the sky at a speed of 125 thousand kilometres per hour. The weather conditions in the UAE are expected to be favourable during these days, which means that all residents and visitors will have a chance to see the dazzling spectacle.

“The Geminids are considered one of the most spectacular meteor streams of the year,” the Dubai Astronomy Group said in a statement. The organisation is expected to hold an observing event and dates and ticket prices will be announced on its website soon.

According to a statement from Nasa, the Geminids are a unique celestial phenomenon and are associated with the asteroid Phaethon, and interestingly, the asteroid behaves more like a comet, becoming brighter and creating a “tail” of debris as it approaches the Sun.

“Some astronomers consider it an extinct comet,” the US space agency said in a statement, “Others argue that it must be an asteroid because of its orbit and similarity to the main belt asteroid Pallas.

This astronomical phenomenon was first mentioned in the 1800s, when only 10 to 20 meteors were seen. Now, according to Nasa, it is one of the brightest and fastest meteor streams visible from Earth.

The speed of Geminid meteors is very high, 40 times faster than the speed of a bullet, but there is very little chance of the meteors reaching the ground – most Geminids burn up at an altitude of 45 to 55 miles (72 to 88 kilometres).

The meteor stream is also expected to be broadcast on many YouTube channels dedicated to celestial phenomena.

Source: The National

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