Hot summer

Hot summer comes to an end in UAE

Less than two weeks remain until the end of the hot summer in the United Arab Emirates. From August 24, the season will begin to gradually cool down, symbolised by the appearance of the star Suheil above the horizon.

As an Arab saying goes, ‘If Suheil rises, expect cooler weather’. Night temperatures will begin to gradually drop, and this will be the first sign of the approaching autumn.

Following the appearance of the Suheil star in the UAE, there will be a 40-day change of season known as Sufriya: we should expect variable weather conditions that will fill the gap between the hot summer and the onset of cooler temperatures.

After that, the weather will gradually stabilise: the Wasm season will begin in early October, and 100 days after the appearance of the star Suheil, we can expect winter.

The appearance of the southern star also signals the retreat of the Indian monsoon, which weakens and shifts southwards. At this time of the year, the Kous winds prevail, which bring increased humidity and lead to the formation of low clouds.

The clouds bring drizzling rain to the slopes of the Hajar Mountains. Suheil is the second (after Sirius) brightest star in the sky, 27 million years old and 310 light years from Earth. The yellowish-white supergiant in the constellation Sails is also called the Star of Egypt and the Wise Star.

The Arabs used the star Suheil (Alpha Kiel, better known in Europe as Canopus) for maritime navigation (as the southern polar star) and orientation for desert journeys. Many legends and tales are associated with it among different peoples.

Source: Khaleej Times