
UAE Sports Year

2022 was named the year of sports in the UAE and globally as it witnessed a strong return to organizing all championships and a complete return of the public and fans to watching sporting events in stadiums and fields.

In Dubai, 2022 was marked as the year of increasing the status of sport in the social movement and the year of attracting more local and international events and championships, which achieved a significant development in terms of names of participants, diversity of sports and huge numbers of fans.

Photos featuring His Highness. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, at the Dubai Fitness Challenge on Sheikh Zayed Street in the heart of Dubai with over 193,000 participants, was a perfect example of the state of Dubai and its continuous development to achieve several unprecedented records in terms of raising awareness of the importance of sports and the number of participants, through the right public policies aimed at supporting sports and providing facilities of superior

A report prepared by Dubai Sports Council, with the help of an international expert organisation, revealed that the contribution of sports to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Emirate of Dubai has achieved an annual increase of more than AED 9 billion, which represents 2.3% of Dubai’s GDP. The sports sector provides 105 jobs as a result of the large and continuous development of sports in the organisation of sports events / sports industry / increase in the number of participants and fans of different nationalities at events and championships / development of sports tourism.

In 2022, there is a significant increase in the number of different annual sports events including more than 103 international events and championships, among them: World Padel Championship, the largest of its kind in the history of this global competition / Dubai World Golf Championship, the largest of its kind in terms of number of rounds, participants and valuable prizes / World Tennis League, which was essentially launched from Dubai and its first edition was held with an elite of the world’s outstanding male and female players in front of over 42 thousand fans at Coca Cola Arena, and watched by millions of viewers on 125 global TV channels / two rounds of the World Beach Volleyball Championship / 11th Emirates Intercontinental Beach Soccer Cup / Dubai Super Cup which was held at Al Maktoum Stadium at Al Nasr Club with Liverpool and Arsenal from England, AC Milan from Italy and Lyon from France in front of over 50 thousand fans and millions of viewers on global TV channels.

In 2022, the number of registered companies specialising in organising sports events and training camps has risen to 700. The number of different sports academies has increased to 400 academies and the number of gymnasiums and specialised fitness centres has increased to 400 each. The number of clubs in Dubai has increased to 100 clubs

The number of training camps held in the Emirate of Dubai all year round by clubs, national teams and Olympic and sports champions increased significantly in 2022.

The Emirate of Dubai witnessed the organisation of 12 sports conferences and exhibitions, chief among them the 17th Dubai International Sports Conference and Globe Soccer Award, which was held in the prestigious presence of the world’s top football stars. The event saw a historic reconciliation between Mohamed Salah and Sergio Ramos.

Throughout 2022, the Dubai Sports Council continued its efforts to develop rules and regulations to meet the latest developments in the country and around the world.

The Dubai Sports Council also continued its qualification programmes for technical and administrative staff working in Dubai. An annual forum for club coaches in Dubai was organised, with more than 100 coaches from various football categories attending.

In the area of management, the DSC provided the opportunity for general managers and several staff from various administrative departments of Dubai clubs to attend a lecture on inspirational management, building strong teams and a successful competition system, delivered at the Council premises by Mr David Dean, one of the former outstanding staff of Arsenal FC, who is considered the organiser of the launch of the Premier League in 1992.

Source: Dubai Media Office

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